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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4387-4400

A Study On The Identification Of Creative Teaching Practices And Their Effect On Students Academic Achievement At University Level

Zohaib Farman, Dr. Saddaf Ayub, Dr. Muhammad Saeed Khan.


The present study focused on the identification of creative teaching practices and their effect on the academic achievement of students at university level. The objectives of the study were: to identify different creative teaching practices used by teachers at university level; to find out the effect of creative teaching practices on the academic achievement of university students. The study used the quantitative methods and followed the descriptive survey research design. The 77 faculty members who are taking courses of BS (Hons) in Fall 2018 semester was selected as the sample of the study by using the total population sampling technique. A self-developed questionnaire was used. The findings of the study showed that faculty members often use creative teaching practices in their teaching. It was also identified that creative teaching practices have a significant effect on academic achievement of university students. So, it is recommended that faculty members may be encouraged to participate in workshops which may be helpful for their professional development to make the teaching learning process more effective. It may also be recommended that teachers may use creative teaching practices in the class which in result increase students academic achievement.

Key words: Identification, Creative teaching Practices, Effect, Students, Academic Achievement, University Level

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