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Original Research

RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 434-437

Impact of Learning Portfolio in structuring routine of medical students during COVID-19 lockdown period

Ahmed Murtaz Khalid, Muhammad Shahbaz Amin, Imran Ahmed, Kanza Kanwal, Iffat Rafeeq, Haim Masood.


Objective: To assess the role of learning portfolio in structuring daily routine of medical students in lockdown period by employing Gibbs model of reflection.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in CMH Kharian Medical College from July to August, 2020. Data were collected from 2nd year MBBS students. Paper version of the Questionnaire was distributed based on Gibbs model of reflection. Students responses were recorded based on Likert scale (agree, disagree and neutral.
Results: Out of 100 students, 96 responded. Out of these, 71% students felt motivated by mentor’s feedback, 62% were of opinion that reflective writing provided them with a summary that can be used as a rapid revision tool later, 60% felt that learning portfolio helped to structure their working days better. Learning portfolio helped 58.56% students to track learning progress against defined learning objectives and 55.68% were of opinion that this learning assessment modality can be continued for other sessions. We found that 51.84% students agreed that keeping the learning portfolio updated fostered reflective thinking process.
Conclusion: Incorporation of learning portfolios in early years of medical education can work as efficient reflective tools that facilitate the learner to structure daily working routine systematically. With feedback, this learning modality motivates the learner in a better way by identifying their shortcomings at an earlier stage.

Key words: Learning portfolio, self-reflection, knowledge gaps.

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