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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5332-5349

The Impact 0f Teachers’ Non-Verbal Communication Strategies- Pakistani ELT Perspective

Zafar Iqbal Bhatti, Anila Khan, Saqib Javed, Sadia Ashfaq.


Communication is needed to express ideas, emotions and feelings with verbal as well as non- verbal skills. Both these methods are pivotal in teaching-learning process. Teachers can avail verbal and non-verbal communication to help students for comprehending the difficult concepts. This study reflected the effect and use of non-verbal communication utilized by teachers in class room management at primary level. This study mirrored the importance of non-verbal communication in the subject of English to explore the effects of non-verba1 communication on learning outcomes of students through observation of teachers and students in classrooms. The study found out that how this methodology could contribute to better learning outcomes of students. The research study tested the hypothesis that there is a crucial effect of non-verbal communication on the learning outcomes of students belonging to both rural and urban backgrounds. The population ofthe study comprised of 100 private school teachers around the area of Lahore. Questionnaire was selected as the research tool. Questionnaire was analyzed with percentage method.

Key words: Teachers, Communication ,Strategies, Perspective

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