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Approach of ACLS for Stroke Patients

Adel Hamed Elbaih, Mahmoud Dibas.


Stroke has become one of the leading causes of serious, long-term neurologic impairment and functional disability and is the cause of mortality. However, first aid providers should be trained to utilize a simple stroke assessment tool such as the Face, Arm, Speech, Time scale (FAST) or the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS) to identify individuals with suspected acute stroke. Initial assessment and evaluate the suspected stroke patient’s presentation to recognize potentially life-threatening conditions and to convey life-saving treatment It is collection of all possible available data about the Stroke patients’ therapy in the Emergency department. By many research questions to achieve these aims so a midline literature search was performed with the keywords “critical care”, “emergency medicine”, “principals of ACLS therapy in stroke", "ACLS and stroke”. All studies introduced that the initial stroke therapy is a serious condition that face patients of the emergency and critical care departments. Literature search included an overview of recent definition, causes and recent therapeutic strategies. Practitioner’s experts should be known approach stroke from the ACLS aspect. It is important to always remember, “Brain is time”, and whenever we intervene fast, there is a higher chance that we salvage the brain of the patient and preserve his functional and neurological abilities.

Key words: ACLS, critical, stroke, management

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