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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3516-3521

Objectivity To Subjectivity In Arun Joshi’s Novel: The Foreigner

Deepalakshmi. S.


Arun Joshi’s first novel The Foreigner (1968) explored in depth the problem of Sindi Oberoi’s sense of emptiness and isolation at being unable to find a meaning in survival. The Foreigner is one of the best novels of Joshi. A series of reflections on freedom, suicide, love, marriage, life and detachment are swirling throughout the story. It started as a thriller novel but ended as a mystery. Joshi was very clever to blend and balance the western beliefs with the tradition and wisdom of India without overemphasizing either. The story dealt with the theme of east-west encounter. It is also the study of a young uprooted man who is existing in the end half of the twentieth century; looks out for secure and meaning in his randomly moving life. Joshi had very masterly handled challenging, grave issues like rootlessness, detachment, and frustration, search for better substitute, self-predicament and self-realization. Due to the modern life style, this novel took us to the lower depths of social suffering and agony. The people could be surrounded by thousands and still be lonely.

Key words: Arun Joshi, west encounter, predicament, identity, detachment.

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