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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3532-3545

Dominance, Arousal, Valence And Pain Perception: Functional And Dysfunctional Aspects Of Emotions And Expectations Of Software Engineers

Nishant Dhiman, Dr. Ritu Sharma, Dr. Vijaysen Pandey.


The present study is aimed to understand the relationship between various aspects of pain and its relationship with emotional burnout and expectation, in the life of a young software engineers. For this purpose, a sample of 200 young adults in the age group of 25-40 years was taken. The sample specifically included only working professionals working in the area of software engineering. The variables under study give an in-depth view of how coping with pain and stress management lead to functional and dysfunctional aspects of emotions and expectations. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to analyze the data. Findings in the study reveal a positive correlation between dominance, arousal, and valence aspects of human emotions and Pain Perception. Also, the role of the Expectation factor is important concerning Valence as well. The study leaves strong implications for the Software industry to improve the mental health of young engineers.

Key words: Dominance, Arousal, Valence, Pain , Perception , Dysfunctional , Emotions

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