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Case Report

Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2021; 19(1): 65-68

Mesenteric rent, ileal volvulus and ileocolic intussusception in a 3-year-old large-white dry sow: A postmortem report

A Saleh, MY Fatihu, SG Usman, M Adam, NA Sani, SE Abalaka & OZ Tenuche.


This report presents a post-mortem (PM) finding of Large-White dry sow which died from complications associated with mesenteric rent, volvulus and intussusception. Other lesions included hydrothorax, ascites, and engorged mesenteric blood vessels, pale and enlarged liver. Helminthological and protozoological examinations of the intestinal samples were negative. Diagnosis of mesenteric rent, ileal volvulus and intussusception was reached. The diagnosis was attributable to the risk factors which include fight, excessive amounts of dry whey concentrate coupled with poor hygiene in the feeding and management system. Familiarizing swine farmers with the symptoms of bowel obstruction and provision of diagnostic facilities in commercial piggery farms will help in facilitating diagnosis and prompt action to prevent mortality and minimize economic loss.

Key words: Intussusception, Mesenteric rent, Sow, Volvulus, Whey

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