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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7410-7418

Analysing The Process Of E-Hrm In Digital Communication

Rupa Khanna Malhotra, Rajesh Upadhyay.


The main theme of this study was ventured in a constructive way. The main objectives are described the connection between manufacturing satisfaction and tension because of electronic Human Resources Management with the help of stress design because of electronic human resource management to solve the following problems. They are how to induce the tension by electronic human resource management which impact with manufacturing personal things and satisfaction. After the theoretical analysis, it made with three cases like aeronautics or automobile to comprehend that the issues was created badly and its main content needs a redirecting the situation which focuses the main point from where the origin of the 2nd problems. It is induced the tension through the communication (digital) to have an impact on manufacturing. So, we have to create a design for the concept of tension because of the digital communication which depend on the theory of transaction or transaction depend design or the phenomena of techno stress. The other level of this study is a regular study to define the design and final research about qualitative and quantitative to accept the hypothesis.

Key words: digital, transaction, communication and product

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