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BMB. 2023; 8(2): 167-171

Effect of the Most and the Least Favorite Music Genre of Youngs on Their ECGs

Nihade Nur Pamuk, Aysu Kılıç, İsmail Meral.


Objective: Does music really touch our heart? To answer this question, this study aimed to investigate the effect of the most and the least favorite type of music on ECGs of boys or girls.
Method: While we were recording the lead II ECG, the most and the least favorite songs of the participants were listened by a total of 54 participants (33 girls and 21 boys). The heart rates (HR), the amplitudes, and durations of the waves in the ECGs, and the durations of the intervals [P-R (s) and Q-T (s)] of the resting period 1 (R1), favorite song period (FavS), resting period 2 (R2) and least favorite song period (LFavS) were analyzed.
Results: Girls’ HRs increased significantly (P

Key words: ECG, Heart rate, Most and the Least Favorite Music, Music

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