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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1114-1121

Connecting With Students: Cognitive Engagement In E-Classrooms

Dr. C. Nagadeepa, Dr. Reenu Mohan, Dr. Raji S.


The boom of electronic gadgets and availability of internet technology resulted in a drastic change in the learning platforms and the people have now started learning from any part of the world through online. The face-to-face lectures combined with technology has led to blended learning and flipped classrooms which in turn has increased the learning potential of the students. Online learning has drastically changed the scenario of modern education. Factors like an abundance of e-learning technologies, cost saving, time management, convenience, flexibility, and uniformity in content delivery have enhanced the usage of online-learning for academic purposes. Beneath the perils of pandemic, this trend has moved very fast and in a professional manner to fill in the space produced as a result of suspended classroom learning. During this pandemic the educational institutions have been forced to adopt online learning. As a consequence, there are several challenges to be encountered by the facilitator as well as learners to benefit from it. This paper is a descriptive study of e learning scenario among the learners of higher education in commerce deanery. This paper aims at finding out the student’s cognitive engagement and its mediation between the teaching and learning in the e classrooms.1065 students from various colleges who had attended online classes in the last six months responded through a structured questionnaire and the data was analyzed to detect the congnitive engagement and student’s understanding and learning.

Key words: Online learning, Cognitive engagement, Institutional and Non Institutional support component, Social Component.

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