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BMB. 2023; 8(2): 172-178

Serum Endocan Levels as a Valuable Biomarker for Discrimination of Critical and Stable COVID-19 Patients

Derya Öztürk, Ertuğrul Altınbilek, Adem Melekoğlu, Mustafa Çalık, Burak Demirci, Abuzer Coşkun.


Objective: The primary aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the serum endocan levels and clinical condition of COVID-19 patients. The secondary aim was to investigate the associations between the serum endocan levels and other inflammatory parameters with regards to clinical outcomes.
Methods: A total of 80 COVID-19 patients, 44 in stable and 36 in critical condition, with positive PCR test result, older than 18 years of age and whose first admission complaint was not either heart attack or ischemic stroke were included in this study. Patients’ characteristics and clinical outcome, hematological and biochemical parameters, thorax computed tomography (CT), treatment approach, vital signs, and COVID-19 symptoms were analyzed.
Results: Mean age of the critical patients was significantly higher than the stable patients (71.00±13.27 and 53.36±17.80; p

Key words: COVID-19, Endocan, Prognosis

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