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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3546-3550

Relationship Of Selected Anthropometric And Physical Variables With Performance Of Dead Lift In Powerlifting

Mr. Pramod Yadav, Dr Malkhan Singh, Yuva Basnet, Shivam Gupta.


The basic aim of this study was to determine the relationship of dead lift performance in powerlifting with selected anthropometric and physical characteristics. Ten male power lifters who participated in All India inter university served as participants for the study. The selected anthropometric characteristic i.e., Body weight, standing height, Leg length, Thigh circumference and Calf circumference were measured, and the physical characteristics were back strength and leg strength. The data was analyzed by using Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient to ascertain the relationship. For testing, the level of significance was set at 0.05. Findings revealed that there were significant relationships in case of body weight, leg length, thigh circumference and leg strength along with the performance. However insignificant relationship was seen in case of standing height, calf circumference and back strength with the performance.

Key words: Dead lift, Powerlifting, Anthropometric characteristic, Physical characteristics, Quality education.

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