This study was conducted to evaluate sex ratio and condition factor (K) of Synodontis melanopterus in Tonka River, Argungu, Kebbi State, Nigeria. The aim of the study was to assess the dominance and condition of particular species in the River. Fourty six (46) samples of fish were collected from April to September, 2019. The fishes were identified and the number of males was divided with that of females to obtain the sex ratio. Chi-square test was used to determine whether the proportion of females differ from the proportion of males. Condition factor was determined using standard method. The overall sex ratio reveals that :female and male ratio were 1:1.3, in favour of males, though, chi-square test indicated no significant difference (p>0.05) from the hypothetical 1:1 ratio. The monthly condition factor for female S. melanopterus ranged from 0.27 -0.49, while for male, the condition factor ranged from 0.16 -0.22. Conclusively, there was slight dominance of males . These results are useful to fisheries managers for the conservation of S. melanopterus in Tonka River.
Key words: Keywords:Condition factor, conservation, S. melanopterus, sex-ratio.