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Research Article

EEO. 2009; 8(1): 9-23

The Effects of Learning Style Activities on Academic Achievement, Attitudes and Recall Level



This study aimed at revealing the learner attitudes toward this course, recall level and efficiency
of the course to academic achievement with the applications of the course to academic success with the
applications of the course that is carried out appropriate to field learning styles dimension in the 5th grade of the
social studies course in elementary school. The design of the study was based on experimental and control group
pre / post test model. The applications related to the study was conducted in the fall term of 2005-2006 academic
year with the collaboration of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Elementary School and in the classroom of 5-A and 5-C
experimental and control group respectively. Throughout the study, teaching materials were developed by the
researcher considering the learning styles learners and were utilized in presenting the course. After statistical
analysis, in this research, the following results were obtained: There was a significant difference between the
success of control group and experimental group, experimental group being more successful than the control
group. There wasn’t a significant difference between the attitudes of control group students and those of
experimental group. There was a significant difference between the retention of control group and experimental
group, experimental group being more successful than the control group.

Key words: Learning Style, Recall Level, Attitudes, Academic Achievement

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