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Research Article

EEO. 2009; 8(1): 36-47

The Effect of the Project Based Learning Approach to the Attitudes of Students towards Science Lesson



This research was carried out with the aim of investigating the effect of project based learning
approach in teaching science to the development of attitude of seventh grade students of primary education
towards science. The research was applied on the seventh grade students of a private Primary Education School
in Ankara Province, Yenimahalle District. There were 22 students in both of the experiment and the control
groups. Attitude scale towards science was used to test the sub-problems of the research. In the analysis of
gained data, statistical processes, t-test, mean ( x )
, standart deviation (s), frequency (f) and percentage (%) were
used. Statistical processing was made using the SPSS 11.0 program. Whether the gained data is meaningful or
not was evaluated according to .05 significant levels. After the research, it was observed that, there is a
meaningful difference between the experiment group and control group students’ attitudes towards science
lesson in favour of experiment group students. It can be inferred that, using this approach at science education
can affect the development of attitudes of students towards science lesson

Key words: Teaching Science, Project, Project Based Learning, Attitude towards Science Lesson

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