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Research Article

EEO. 2009; 8(1): 129-145

How much and how science and technology curriculums and textbooks benefits from history of science?



History of science is an important tool that can be used to raise science and technology literate
people which are a main goal of science and technology lesson. In this study, it’s aimed to determine how much
and how 2005 science and technology curriculum and textbooks have benefit from history of science. Content
analysis have been used. For the content analysis, firstly, coding systems have been made to determine which
expressions are about history of science and how they are used. Then, in the base of these codings, curriculum
and text books were investigated. At the end of the study, it was found that both curriculum and textbooks have
used history of science but this wasnot sufficient. It was seen that curriculum and text books benefit from history
of science to emphasize on conceptual understanding but this was usually at limited level and procedural and
contextual understandings have been neglected.

Key words: History of science, science and technology lesson, science and technology curriculum, science and technology textbooks.

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