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Research Article

EEO. 2009; 8(2): 493-498

An Investigation on Classroom Learning Environments in Primary Schools

Huzeyfe OZEL, Gorkem YILMAZ, Irfan BEYAZ, Seda OZER, Erdal SENOCAK.


The study aimed to investigate the students’ perceptions of their classroom learning
environments. 620 primary school students (grade 5th, 6th, 7th) completed a questionnaire named the
Constructivist Learning Environment Survey. The findings showed that students perceive their classrooms as an
environment which provide more opportunity to connect between school science and daily-life events, provide
for them to experience scientific knowledge, and explain to other students their ideas, but less opportunity to
express their concerns about any impediments to their learning and share with the teacher control of the learning

Key words: Classroom learning environments, the constructivist learning environment survey, students’ perceptions

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