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EFMI Inside - the Official Newsletter of the European Federation for Medical Informatics

Izet Masic, Catherine Chronaki.


The idea for establishing “EFMI Inside” Newsletter was born in Lyon in August 2019, during “MEDINFO 2019” Conference and EFMI Council meeting, when Catherine Chronaki, Izet Masic, and some other EFMI Council members discussed and concluded to start with magazine in which we can record important and prompt facts and information about past, current and future activities of European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI). EFMI has other types of spreading information about important facts of its activities, as “Reports”, but closely for official Council members, as reports of national and other representatives in EFMI. This publication will be an important and useful resource of EFMI and its activities for everybody who wants to be familiar with Medical informatics development and achievements in all areas of this academic and scientific discipline in European countries, but also, worldwide. In the first issue of of “EFMI Inside” readers can find contributions of influential medical informatics persons, former or current EFMI Council members - Presidents or Chairs of Working Groups, Honorary Fellows, and other EFMI members who were actively involved in the development of Medical informatics in their countries, but also worldwide. A lot of facts “inside” of the ”newsletter” was not available and visible on the way like presented in this issue.

Key words: EFMI, EFMI Newsletter.

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