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Research Article

EEO. 2009; 8(3): 637-650

Estimation Ability and Strategies of the 6 th - 8 th Grades Elementary School Students



The objective of this study was to determine the estimation strategies of the primary school
students of 6th - 8th grades in mathematics and to examine the relation between estimation ability and success for
mathematics. The research was conducted 1621 primary students who were randomly selected in 20 different
primary schools. In this study, quantitative research methods were used to determine the levels of the estimation
ability of the students and also qualitative research methods were used to determine the strategies preferred by
the students. 12 estimation strategies, used by primary school students of 6th- 8th grades, were defined in the
findings of the study. In addition to these results, gender and grades of the students were within the factors
affecting the estimation ability.

Key words: estimation ability, estimation strategies, primary mathematics education

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