In this study, ARSC Motivational Model, which is used in literature for instructional programs based on computer software, was applied to primary teaching and the effect of the design on motivational level and academic success of the students was investigated. Teaching of the Fractions topic in mathematics course was designed according to this model. The study was performed by the participation of an experimental and a control group, which include students from 5th grade in Bursa. The motivational level of the students was measured by Academic Motivation Scale, the attitude level of the students by The Scale of Attitude Towards of Mathematical Activities, and their academic success by Test for Fractions. Independent sample t tests, ANCOVA and MANOVA were used for the analysis of the data. In the consequence of this research, statistical difference was determined in the four factors among the average grades, which experimental and control groups received in the sub-dimension of Educational Motivation Scale. The statistical difference was determined only in the subdivision of Thrust in the attitude levels measured by the The Scale of Attitude Towards of Mathematical Activities. There was a significant difference between the academic successes of two groups, in the favor of the experimental group. For investigating the effect of motivational level on this difference it was tested a difference between academic success scores of experimental and control group. By controlling the scores related to sub dimensions of Academic Motivation Scale. According to the results of this analysis it was not found a significant difference between the academic success of experimental and control group when their Academic Motivation Scores were controlled. Therefore it can be said that ARCS Motivational Model affects the rising of academic success. In the light of this study, text books can be prepared according to ARCS Motivation Model.
Key words: Academic Success. Motivation, Mathematics