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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 604-607

Normal values of liver and spleen sizes by ultrasonography in Pakistani children: a regional study

Rabia Waseem Butt, Maliha Akhtar Qureshi, Maryam Amjad, Ahsen Farooq, Salma Umbreen, Aeisha Begum.


Objective: To establish normal reference data for the sonographic measurement of liver and spleen size in healthy Pakistani children.
Methodology: This cross sectional, hospital based study was conducted at the Radiology Department HIT Hospital, Taxila Cantt. It comprised 354 healthy children between ages of 1 month to 12 years. Sonographic assessment of liver and spleen size were made further correlating with age, gender, height/length and weight of the participants. Data were analysed using SPSS 23.
Results: The normal liver and spleen length organometric normative data is shown to correlate with the weight and height/length of the child.
Conclusion: The study provides the normal values of liver and spleen size by Ultrasonography in healthy Pakistani children.

Key words: Children, llver, spleen, organometry, ultrasonography.

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