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Research Article

EEO. 2017; 16(3): 1049-1057

The Adaptation of Student Attitudes Towards Group Environments Scale (SAGE) into Turkish

Türkan Karakuş Yılmaz,Özlem Baydaş,Memnune Kokoç.


The purpose of the study is to adapting Student Attitudes Towards Group Environments (SAGE) scale which was developed to determine the attitudes of students towards working as small groups into Turkish context. Totally 760 students from 5th, 6th and 7th grade students from two middle schools in Erzurum and Trabzon participated in the study. Exploratory factor analysis of which 495 students were participated, showed that 20 items under four factors explain 50.06% of total variance. Those factors revealed by exploratory factor analysis were namely “quality of product and process” (α=.76), “individual contribution and outcome” (α=.75), “Student interdependence” (α=.70), “Frustrations with group members” (α=.63). Confirmatory factor analysis of which 265 students were participated, showed that the four factor model was acceptable with the values of χ2/df=1.85, RMSEA (.05), GFI (.90) and CFI (.92). The final scale is supposed to reliable and comprehensive tool to discover student attitudes in the studies seeking effects of collaborative learning.

Key words: Small Group Working, Collaborative Learning, Scale Development

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