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Research Article

EEO. 2017; 16(3): 1201-1219

Examination of the Relationship Between Modelling Competencies and Class Level and Mathematics Achievement

Ayşe Tekin Dede.


The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between the elementary school students’ modelling competencies and their class level and mathematics achievements, and examine their modelling approaches. 311 students from 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades participated in the study. While the responses of the students to the questions aiming at determining the modelling competencies were analysed by means of a rubric, the statistical analyses were performed to examine the relationships. As the class level increased, all the competency levels except the validity of the solution increased, and the students with high mathematics achievement level had higher level of modelling competencies. It was seen that they constructed real models by choosing appropriate assumptions. The students who constructed mathematical models by taking advantage of different forms of representations made mistakes in solving the models. The students who tried to interpret a situation that they could encounter in their real life assessed the assumptions, the mathematical models and the obtained results while validating.

Key words: Atomistic Approach, Mathematics Achievement, Modelling Competence, Class Level

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