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Research Article

EEO. 2017; 16(4): 1777-1791

The Effects of Educational Materials Focusing on Numbers and Operations on Mathematical Ability of Preschool Children

Serap ERDOĞAN,Nurbanu PARPUCU,Menekşe BOZ.


The aim of the study is to examine the effects of educational materials concerning numbers and operations on mathematic ability of preschool children. In the study, mixed method has been used. Both quantitative data and qualitative data obtained in the scope of the study. Quasi-experimental design was used to reveal the effects of educational materials concerning numbers and operations on mathematic ability of preschool children. There were one experimental and two control group. The sample of the study included 60-72 months children selected by random sampling from the independent schools depending on National Education Ministry in Eskisehir city center which are chosen by convenient sampling. There were 17 children in experimental group, 19 children in one of the control group and 17 children in the second control group. As data collection tool, Test of Early Mathematics Ability Test (TEMA-3) was used. Also, observation and video records were used to identify the development of the children throughout the process. Educational materials concerning numbers and operations were developed by the experimental group teacher and the researchers during the research process. Children played with these materials along four weeks, two hours in a week without any interference of the teacher. Quantitative data was analyzed by 2x3 mixed ANOVA. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference in mathematic performance on behalf of the children in the experimental group. The results obtained from qualitative data showed that guidance of an adult is so crucial for children to understand mathematics. Moreover, it was observed that children had different reasoning strategies and children could learn by observing each other along the usage of the educational materials.

Key words: Preschool Education, Mathematics, Mathematic materials, Educational materials

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