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Research Article

EEO. 2017; 16(4): 1816-1828

Happiness and Future Views of Children Coming from Different Backgrounds



The purpose of the research is to define viewpoints towards future, lives ad emotional situations of the children having different economical level and working at streets and to study the notions regarding children working at street of the preservive teacher. In the research descriptive method was used. Working group consisted of 70 children at the ages of 9 to 15 and 6 preservice teacher. Data was gathered by using interview technique and descriptive analysis was used while analyzing data. At the end of research, both children groups stated that doing entertaining activities, receiving presents, being at prosperity are sources of happiness. Children working at street stated the request to study in a school more than the other group. Another difference is that children at different economical levels compared with the children working at streets are more aware of their abilities. Moreover preservice teachers had fears and prejudice before they started working with the children at streets but they overcome these prejudice and fears during study.

Key words: Street Children, Children Working at Street, Child Rights

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