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Research Article

EEO. 2017; 16(4): 1908-1916

Development of a New Piano Teaching Technique at Beginning Level for 1. and 2. Grade Children in Primary Schools



The importance of art education in human education is of capital importance. Piano education is planned to be given at early ages in terms of productivity and perceiving motor skill system in music education. Age of onset for piano education, the way it is given and proper teaching of the materials used is considered to be a very important process for creating the correct corner stones of the skill which will be needed especially in the future. The most important elements of this process are The Family, The Educator and his methods and techniques. The question of “Is this topic examined as much as necessary in the piano lessons in Education Faculties?” is of capital importance. Therefore, it is aimed that the content of the curriculum of the YÖK program and the related course should be examined well and a correct method and method of course processing should be formed and it should be planned and applied to each teacher candidate with the same importance concerning other instruments as well. In this context, a descriptive research model was used in this research, by using the survey model method, the differences between course contents and applications were revealed. In addition, examples of experimentally constructed artifacts were tested over a period of one month on 10 children. This research has been carried out with the idea that it can shed light on further researches and give an idea for similar cases.

Key words: Piano education, teaching method, Elementary

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