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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1130-1139

Corruption And Errors İn Identifying Beneficiaries Of Poverty Alleviation Programmes İn Dhemaji District Of Assam

Jayanta Kr. Dutta, Amitava Mitra.


The paper aims to analyse the awareness about Poverty Alleviation Programmes among surveyed households and tried to find out inclusion and exclusion errors, nepotism corruption in identifying beneficiaries of the poverty alleviation schemes. The study was based mainly on primary data. The primary data was collected from the Dhemaji district and it was based on multi stage sampling technique. Further, the result showed the inclusion and exclusion error, nepotism corruption and the awareness about Poverty Alleviation Programmes among surveyed households.

Key words: Poverty Alleviation Programmes, Inclusion and Exclusion Error, Bribe and Kickback, Nepotism, Multi stage Sampling.

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