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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1140-1151

Use of Blockchain technology as a support tool in economic and financial processes.

Leydi Johana Polo Amador, Nancy Tavera Castillo, Carlos Alberto Amaya Corredor.


In view of the current advantages of using blockchain technology, among which stand out the efficient management of data and information security, it is highlighted as a key factor the management of data blocks, which according to its structure and operation, allow organizations to raise possibilities associated with the action of sharing information in a context oriented to the commercial management of goods and services, while enabling the construction of consortia, working groups or associations. This paper seeks to present the results of a study that has been oriented towards the identification of the way in which Blockchain technology is being adopted, seen as an emerging tool in the field of transactions in different economic and financial sectors, and consequently, in the territorial synergy that is being generated in the framework of the transparent and secure articulation of actors sharing information. The work methodology has been framed in the literature search, the analysis of the information found, and the proposal that from the area of software engineering is made at a conceptual level, with respect to a simulation in the economic sector.

Key words: Economic sector, blockchain technology, simulation, technology trend

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