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Research Article

EEO. 2015; 14(2): 407-420

7. Sınıf matematik öğretmen kılavuz kitabının matematikve fen derslerinin ilişkilendirilmesi açısından incelenmesi



Mathematics curriculum for 6-8 grades (MoNE, 2011) gives importance to make connection between mathematics and other disciplines. This program emphasizes that connection is effective on students for noticing mathematics in real life and understanding other disciplines. When mathematics and science curricula investigated together, common skills such as; critical-creative thinking, questioning, problem solving, etc. attract attention in both curricula. This connection in mathematics is also reflected on the teacher guidebooks. Thus, the purpose of this study is to reveal in which subjects, how, how often, and by which purposes, contents in the 7th grade mathematics teacher’s books are related to the concepts of science. In the study, document analysis method was used. Consequently, 47 concepts related to science were determined in total. 60% of them include conceptual knowledge for science. Moreover, 40% of them have no conceptual purpose and they only aim to give daily life examples for mathematics

Key words: mathematics, science, seventh grade mathematics teacher’s guidebook

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