The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of empathy development program on empathy levels of second grade elementary school students. The sample consisted of 20 (10 experiment group, 10 control group) second grade students from an elementary school in Bakırköy, Istanbul. In the study a pretest -posttest control group design was utilized. The experimental group took 8 sessions empathy development program developed by the researchers. Scale of Empathy for Children, developed by Bryant (1982) and adapted by Yüksel (2003) was used for collecting data from both experimental and control groups. In order to determine the significant differences between the scores experiment and control groups, two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted. The results indicated that empathy development program increased the empathy levels of the students in experimental group but there was no significant difference for the control group
Key words: Empati, Grup Rehberliği Programı, İlkokul Öğrencileri