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Research Article

EEO. 2015; 14(2): 489-510

Computer and Internet Use Self-Efficacy Scale for Elementary School Teachers: Validity and Reliability Studies

Süleyman Nihat ŞAD, Okay DEMİR.


This study aimed to develop a self-efficacy scale to be used to measure elementary school teachers’ selfefficacy
beliefs regarding computer and internet use. For this purpose validity (content, face, construct, and criterion validity)
and reliability (internal consistency and temporal reliability) studies were conducted. After being tested for content and face
validity through expert opinion, the draft scale was piloted first on 250 elementary school teachers. Initial exploratory factor
analysis yielded two alternative models which accounted for 66.16% and 74.02% of the total variance, respectively. The
confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the two-factor model with acceptable goodness of fit indices
(X2/sd=200.36/100=2.00; p=0.000; RMSEA= 0.063; GIF= 0.91; AGFI= 0.92; SRMR=0.031; CFI=0.97; NFI= 0.95; and
NNFI=0.97). The final scale was administered on 328 elementary school teachers for a follow-up confirmatory factor
analysis, which also yielded adequate fit indices. A concurrent criterion validity analysis was also conducted using two
distinct criterion scales, which yielded significant moderate-to-high levels of positive correlations. Finally, the results of the
reliability analyses suggested that Computer and Internet Self-Efficacy Scale is able to measure elementary school teachers’
senses of efficacy for computer and internet use reliably

Key words: elementary school teachers, self-efficacy beliefs, computer and internet us

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