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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4361-4373

Effect of Socio-Economic Status of Parents on the Student’s Academic Achievement

Dr.Tehseen Tahir, Dr. Umbreen Ishfaq, Safia Begum, Ghazala Shaheen, Dr. Muhammad Sharjeel.


The current research study focused upon effect of socio-economic status of parents on the students' academic achievement at secondary level. Study’s objectives were to find parents'socio-economic status of parents in students' achievements, parents’ level of education and students’ academic performance, parents’ income and students’ academic performance, parents’ occupation and students' academic performance of male and female 171 students (50 each) from secondary school. The data were collected through questionnaire. Data were collected data from the students of secondary school. It was concluded that parents’ financial status, financial and moral support, socio-economic status of parents, affect student academic achievement, provision of learning environment at home, incentive providing by parents motivate the children to work harder and achieve higher. As it was found that parents source` of income is a vital factor that effect academic achievement of student. Therefore, it is recommended government should provide incentives to the students and support poor families. Free books supplemented by stationeries, scholarships are recommended which has the capacity to boost the performance of the students academically

Key words: Effect, Socio-economic, Status, Parents, Academic Achievement, Secondary level.

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