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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4348-4360

Job Satisfaction, Performance and Commitment of Faculty Members at University Level

Zeeshan Haider, Dr.Tehseen Tahir, Dr. Umbreen Ishfaq, Miss Ghazala Shaheen.


The topic of the current research is job satisfaction, performance and commitment of faculty members at university level. The research questions of the research were; (i) what are the perceptions of faculty members regarding their job satisfaction, performance and commitment at university level? (ii) is there any difference regarding job satisfaction, performance and commitment of faculty members at university levels?and (iii) is there any relationship exist among job satisfaction, performance and commitment? The quantitative method and survey research design used. The constructs of study explored using survey design. For this purpose, three adopted questionnaires with five point Liker scale used to explore the job satisfaction, performance and commitment of university teachers. The population of the study comprised of 600 faculty members in Hazara Division that included three universities. The sample included 300 faculty members i.e. 100 teachers from each university using simple random sampling technique. Afterwards, the data collected from the respondents and analyzed the data. The data saved in the form of Likert scale. The results showed that faculty members have high JS and correlation analysis found that JS and performance are significantly correlated. It concluded that job satisfaction of faculty members found same because of maximum load of work and effective leadership in the organization. Therefore, It was recommended that organization authorities may provide the exclusive environment that increase their job performance and commitment.

Key words: Job Satisfaction, Job Performance and Job Commitment

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