This study was conducted to adapt SALES (Students Adaptive Learning Engagement in Science) scale,
developed by Velayutham, Aldridge and Fraser (2011), into Turkish. The sample of this study was 472 (252 female 220
male) eight grade students from public schools of Ankara district. The scale was adapted into Turkish as an abbreviation of
FÖY (Fen Öğrenimine Yönelim). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were
performed to reveal the factor structure of the adapted scale. Furthermore, internal consistency reliability analysis was
applied to determine consistency of FÖY scale. EFA and CFA analyses have exhibited some robust evidences for the
validity of FÖY scale and accounted 48.46% of the total variance. Internal consistency coefficients which were obtained for
each of the dimensions of the scale were found in the range of 0.86 to 0.89 indicated the reliability of the scale. As a
conclusion, it can be said that FÖY scale is a valid and reliable based on the results which were obtained with regard to the
related literature and statistical analyzes.
Key words: Motivation, Self-regulation, Science Learning