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Research Article

EEO. 2016; 15(1): 77-90

48-60 Aylık Çocukların Öğretmen Kavramına Yönelik Algılarının Çizimler Aracılığıyla İncelenmesi

Berat Ahi,Mehmet Akif Cingi,Abdullah Oğuzhan Kıldan.


Teachers are one of the most adopted role models of children. Effective child-teacher relation have
an important effect on building positive class environment and also have important effect on social
development of the children. Purpose of this research is to show the 48-60 months old children's perceptions
of teacher concept by analyzing their drawings. Phenomenology, one of the qualitative research design was
used in this study. The working group was created by using the sampling method of purposeful sampling
criteria. 285 children in 12 preschool has been reached in Kastamonu Center District; drawings of 11 children
are seen as not suitable pre-examination, and they are excluded, thus the research group was made by 274
children. Obtained data have analyzed with Teacher Perception Coding List developed by Aykaç (2012).
According to research results, majority of the children are perceiving their teachers as female humans. Children
have drawn their teacher mostly in the prairies and as standing in the school yards

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