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Research Article

EEO. 2016; 15(4): 1436-1449

Development of Want-Need Perception Scale (WNPS) for Primary and Secondary School Students

Hülya Bakırtaş,Deniz Tonga.


In the development of the national economies, the economy education in school curricula has an important place, because students may not have received the necessary economic realities and requirements. For that reason, it is necessary to determine the perception of wants and needs of children. In this study, it was aimed to develop a scale for determining of elementary and secondary school students' perception of wants and needs. The study’s data was obtained from 790 students who were attending to third, fifth and eighth grade in Turkey. The findings showed that Want-Need Perception Scale consists of 19 items. As a result of the study, the scale could be used to determine the need and want perception of the students at elementary and secondary schools.

Key words: Social studies education, economic education, want, need, scale development.

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