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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3628-3647

A Correlation Analysis On Teacher Effectiveness And Social Adjustment Of Secondary Education Teachers



The term ‘teacher effectiveness’ refers to the measure of success of teachers in carrying out institutional and other specified duties demanded by the nature of their position. Teacher effectiveness includes efficacy in strategies of instruction, student and classroom management, inter personal relations, evaluation and feedback etc. Social adjustment is an effort made by an individual to cope with standards, values and needs of a society in order to be accepted. It is also an attempt made by an individual to address the standards, values and desires of a society so as to be accepted. A teacher is socially adjusted if he feels comfort with the academic and general environment of the institution while working. Social adjustment in teaching profession is more important because it helps in maintaining balance between the needs of the teachers and the circumstances in which they are teaching. It is therefore quite confident to confirm that the school effectiveness depends directly on the effectiveness of its teachers, the level of their social adjustment and their involvement in work.
The investigator adopted survey method of research to ascertain the levels of teacher effectiveness and social adjustment among secondary education teachers and to find out the relationship between them. The findings of the study reported that there was significant positive relationship between the dimensions of teacher effectiveness namely ‘strategies of teaching’ and ‘social aspects’ and social adjustment of secondary education teachers. On the whole there was significant positive relationship between teacher effectiveness and social adjustment of secondary education teachers.

Key words: Analysis , Social ,Adjustment ,Education ,Teachers

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