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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1172-1180

An Automated Prediction Model For College Admission System

Dr. Arunakumari B. N, Vishnu Sastry H K, Sheetal Neeraj, Shashidhar R.


Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you”- John C Maxwell. At present, many students make mistakes in their preference list of colleges because of various reasons like inaccurate analysis of colleges, lack of knowledge, and apprehensive prediction. Later, they end up regretting the same after allotment. Our application addresses this issue of the student admission community. The application uses data mining and data analysis techniques. Rank, category, preferred branches, preferred district, and preferred colleges are taken as input and the preference list, on thorough analysis of the last five years’ cut-off data is generated. In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop an automated web application prediction model for a college admission system which can be used to make a wise choice of college before allotment.

Key words: Allotment, Analysis, Data mining, Data Analysis, Cutoff, Preference List

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