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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1181-1198

The Cause Effect Relationship Model of Talent Management Practices in Relation with Faculty Performance

Priyadarshini B A, Dr. Ritika Sinha.


India’s higher education sector assumes a basic part in driving the country's talent competitiveness. Being producers of knowledge in a knowledge economy, higher education institutions are expected to realize the worth of talent management which would not only improve the quality of faculty but also help in gaining a competitive advantage. Ensuring the implementation of talent management practices in higher education institutions, therefore, is crucial. There are limited scientific studies, however, on the talent management practices in education sector in India, especially with regard to faculty performance aspect. In this study we attempt the cause effect relationship model of talent management practices in relation with faculty performance in private universities. According to the findings of the study, the talent management practices such as talent acquisition, talent retention, teaching skills development, research skills development and leadership development exhibit the cause effect relationship with respect to overall performance of a faculty with external and internal factor mediation. It also indicates that the institutional, environmental, technological and socio-economic factors alleviate the influence of talent acquisition, talent retention and leadership development practices on faculty performance. A comprehensive talent management model is built for private universities, consisting of the core talent management practices in a university, and external dimensions such as student-faculty demographics, technology, educational policies. A contribution is made to the talent management and higher education literature. This helps an educational institution to devise a human resource strategy for gaining a competitive edge.

Key words: Talent, Talent Management, Higher Education, Faculty Performance and Private Universities.

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