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IJMDC. 2022; 6(1): 40-44

Students' perspectives on the use of smart devices during problem-based learning sessions: whether it is helping or obstructing the learning

Abdulaziz Boqaeid, Khaled Rafea Aldraihem, Omar Alotaibi, Ahmed Alageel, Abdulaziz Abdullah Aldbas, Moeber Mohammed Mahzari.


Background: Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching method that promotes student learning of principles, improves problem-solving abilities, and provides opportunities for working in groups. Use of mobile deviceshas recently increased by undergraduate students to access online information during PBL process.
Objectives: This study aimed to assess whether using of electronic devices during PBL sessions benefit studentsand tutors or not.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among students (males and females) from, College ofMedicine, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS). The participants were selectedusing a non-probability convenience sampling technique. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of fivepoints Likert scale was used.
Results: Out of 231 participants, 74.5% were males, most of them (86%) were undergraduate entry-level studentsfrom fourth year of the medical program. Most of the students thought that electronic devices duringPBL sessions should be made optional (81.6%); however, 75% thought using electronic devices is important,and 72.3% indicated that it enhances group learning. However, 19.3% students perceived a negative impact on group dynamics and 15.3% reported that it decreases the participation level.
Conclusion: Most of students at KSAU-HS preferred the use of electronic devices during PBL sessions. It is recommended to conduct more studies regarding this topic in more than one university at Saudi Arabia and worldwide, due to lack of these studies locally and globally.

Key words: College of Medicine, electronic device, mobile device, problem-based learning

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