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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3660-3666

A Socio-Psychological Analysis Of The Effects Of Digital Gaming On Teenagers

Dr. Deepak Kem.


The main impetus of the present paper is primarily to assess the Socio-Psychological effects of digital gaming on teenagers. This paper, therefore, aims to analyze the changed behaviour among teenagers due to their attachment to digital and online gaming. An attempt is also made in this article to identify any impact on their educational performance due to their increased interest in digital and online gaming. Similarly, this research article also attempts to find out the effect of digital/online gaming on teenagers' cognitive behaviour and whether it helps to develop their computer skills, as most teenagers in today’s generation are indulged in digital and/or online gaming. In this regard an attempt to draw suggestions and measures for the parents for focusing on teens' overall personality development, first.

Key words: Analysis , Effects ,Digital , Teenagers

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