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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3748-3753

Critical Review On Micro Credit Strategies For Women Through Empowerment

Susmita Agarwala, Dr. Lalit Mohan Choudhary.


Women's empowerment has been defined as having economic, social, political, and psychological power. Access to money, assets, food, markets, and decision-making power in economic activity are all examples of economic power. Access to specific bases of individual production, such as financial resources, information, knowledge, skills, and membership in social organisations, is referred to as social power. Individual family members' access to the process through which decisions are made, particularly those that affect their own future, is referred to as political power. Psychological power refers to a person's perception of power, which is manifested in self-assurance and self-esteem.

Key words: Microcredit, Women, Empowerment

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