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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2021; 19(1): 61-64

Evaluation of changes in spermiogram of Shika Brown® Breeder cocks fed dietary levels of baobab (Adansonia digitata) seed-meal

OG Fanaiye, LI Okoro, M Shinkut, UF Samuel, VO Sinkalu & IP Rekwot.


This study evaluated the effects of varying levels of Baobab seed-meal (BSM) on spermiogram of Shika Brown® breeder cocks. Thirty apparently healthy cocks aged 30 weeks with average body weight of 1.78 ± 0.03 kg were used for this study. They were acclimatized and randomly divided into three groups of 10 each. Group A (control), fed 0% BSM growers diet, groups B, (5%) and group C, (10%) BSM diets. Semen samples were collected from each cock twice weekly for 28 days and spermiogram evaluated. Results indicated significant (P< 0.05) difference for mean volume, percentage live spermatozoa, sperm gross motilities and concentration between the treatment groups (B and C) and the control group (A). Mean abnormal sperm of cocks in groups B and C were significantly (P

Key words: Baobab, Shika Brown®, spermiogram, semen, breeder

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