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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7535-7539

P.B. Shelley And John Keats: A Comparative Analysis



The thesis presents a reading of Shelley's and John Keats' poetry that focuses on their presentation of nature. Its fundamental thesis is that his philosophy and style are based on a subject-object dialectic. It explains the relationship between diverse opposites such as logic and emotion, necessity and freedom, and language and thought. Nature is discovered to serve a complex dual function in this dialectical process: first, it provides the material for thought and poetry as the circumference of the circle in which mind is the centre; second, it serves as an emblem of the mind's dynamic relationship with that material through its cyclic processes. Shelley and John Keats are two of the most famous Romantic Ironists. A reading of their works in this way contemplates the tensions that exist between them.

Key words: Shelley, John, Comparative, Analysis

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