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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7564-7572

Impact On Corporate Social Responsibility



In today’s world, there is new significance to the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), provided that in the society, firm’s boundaries have been extended. Here, of CSR practices’ broad patterns among 10 Indian corporations based in Pune District has been discussed in this paper. According to the Indian scenarios, CSR concept has been explained, various social concerns referred by Indian corporations are explained as well as for addressing these concerns various methodologies are adopted by them that are explained. Furthermore, it has been also discussed that how these deprived and disadvantaged people’s lives are changed with the help of CSR activities. This will be helping readers in understanding the present Indian CSR’s state, how Indian Companies conduct their CSR, identify key CSR practices, study the deployment of current CSR practices, measure its impact on the Indian society. Corporate Social Responsibility is not a passing trend or a fad, whereas it is considered as a business imperative which various Indian companies are starting to consider or engaging with it in a way or other (Ramya Sathish, 2010). In terms of corporate social responsibility, for public companies, some conflicts are present there. Various stakeholders forced them as well as main objective is profit maximization. The corporate social responsibility is generally considered as the resources’ diversion The emergence of socially conscious businesses is on the growing. Building on the numerous initiatives and policies that can manage both the social and profitability responsibility rates, businesses like small to medium-sized enterprises (Indu Jan, 2010.). According to rule, qualifying successful businesses must split at least 2% of their annual average net profit from CSR over three years.CSR money has been spent on some areas that includes Education, Sanitation, Safe drinking water, Malnutrition, Eradicating hunger and poverty, Health for Solar Energy, Old age homes, Women empowerment, Gender equality, Clean Ganga Fund, Swachh Bharat Kosh, Rural development, differently-abled, Livelihood. Corporate Social Responsibility – The Journey has begun

Key words: Sustainability, Health, Environment, Stakeholders, Planet. Without a sense of caring there can be no sense of community.

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