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A comparative study of blink reflex in hypothyroid patients and euthyroid subjects

Rajesh Kumar Paul, Subodh Pandey, Sachin Chittawar, Rashmi Dave.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Thyroid hormone has very strong effects on the central nervous system and causes central craniopathy in hypothyroid patients.

Aim and objectives: The study was aimed to assess the central craniopathy in hypothyroidism and compare central craniopathy in hypothyroid patients and euthyroid subjects.

Materials and Methods: The study population comprised of 50 hypothyroid patients and 50 euthyroid subjects aged above 20 years. Subjects with a history of demyelinating disorders, head injury, or facial pain were excluded from the study. Blink reflex (BR) latencies were recorded bilaterally using RMS EMG MKII machine.

Results: On comparing the mean of the test between euthyroid and hypothyroid patients, BR latencies were delayed in hypothyroid patients.

Conclusion: There is an increased prevalence of central craniopathy in hypothyroidism in comparison to the controls.

Key words: Blink Reflex; Central Craniopathy, Demyelinating Diseases, Hypothyroidism

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