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Does Ramadan fasting affect glicemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus? effects of fasting on betatrophin and insulin resistance

Mustafa Timurkaan, Esra Suay Timurkaan, Yilmaz Aslan, Mehmet Kalayci, Hakan Ayyildiz.


Insulin resistance, which is involved in the pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM), is considered to be associated with betatrophin. Moreover, it is known that betatrophin levels may be affected by environmental factors. In this study, the changes in pre-Ramadan and post-Ramadan betatrophin levels, HOMA-IR levels, and metabolic parameters were evaluated in patients with T2DM, using oral antidiabetic (OAD) and wanting to fast during Ramadan. 50 patients with T2DM receiving OAD treatment and 40 healthy volunteers were included in the study. Glucose, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglyceride measurements were performed with AU-5800 autoanalyzer. Insulin levels were measured with DXI-800 and HbA1c levels with the Premier HB920 device. Furthermore, betatrophin levels were measured using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. At the beginning and the end of Ramadan, betatrophin levels were detected to be higher in the diabetic group compared to the control group. It was revealed that the post-Ramadan insulin and HOMA-IR levels were lower than the pre-Ramadan values in both of the groups. A positive correlation was found between betatrophin levels and triglyceride (r: 0.289, p= 0.042), and insulin (r: 0.276, p= 0.053) levels in the diabetic group. The study indicated that Ramadan fasting reduced the body mass index and average glucose. Thus, insulin resistance decreased. Betatrophin levels, which may be affected by environmental factors, displayed no changes. Ramadan fasting of diabetic patients in the low and moderate risk group did not disrupt metabolic order and glucose regulation.

Key words: Ramadan, fasting, diabetes mellitus, betatrophin, HOMA-IR

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