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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1199-1208

Influence Of Spiritual Quotient On Employee Engagement



Organization’s in present scenario requires human resources who can integrate their soul, mind and body into the work in order to achieve organizational goals. Employee engagement is very essential to the employees in order to involve themselves physically emotionally and cognitively in order set organizational goals as their personal goals. Especially in the Higher education sector high degree of Employee engagement is required since the future of our nation is vested on the shoulders of teaching faculty. There are so many factors which will influence employee engagement. In this context Spiritual Quotient plays a very vital role.
The present study is focused to analyze the relationship of Spiritual Quotient on Employee engagement in the higher education institutions of Bangalore. A descriptive research design is intended. Teaching faculty in HEI’s is the targeted population. Primary data is collected from 456 samples from HEI’s in Bangalore through structured research instrument containing the items of both the constructs. Data is analyzed through various statistical tools using SPSS. The findings of the study outlined that there exists a positive significant relationship between SQ and EE. And higher the SQ, EE increases by 29%. Study also revealed that demographic profiles of the employees also influence SQ and indirectly EE also.

Key words: Employee Engagement EE, Higher Education institutions HEI, Spiritual Quotient SQ.

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