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Original Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(11): 1962-1968

A cross-sectional study on the impact of first-aid and basic life support courses on Saudi undergraduate medical students’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills confidence

Jehad T. Almutib, Mohammed K. Alsharef, Sajida Agha, Saleh M. Ab Alhassn, Abdulaziz A. Bin Shibrayn, Saud A. Alamri.


Background: Despite its importance, most universities worldwide do not offer separate first-aid courses. To evaluate such courses’ efficacy, we assessed the knowledge, attitudes, and confidence pertaining to first aid among undergraduate medical students.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among students at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University, Riyadh. Data were collected using a pre-tested questionnaire and convenience sampling was used. The relationship between sociodemographic factors and knowledge, attitudes, and confidence levels was calculated using a chi-square test.
Results: Of the students, 54.7% were male and 45.3% were female; the average age was 22 ± 0.11 years. Regarding attitudes, most participants strongly agreed that it was important to obtain first-aid knowledge in daily life and were positive toward first-aid courses. Regarding participants’ confidence in their skills, a moderate number showed confidence in performing basic life support (BLS) interventions. There were significant differences among study years (p = 0.025), having previously attended BLS courses (p = 0.001), and level of knowledge. A higher knowledge level was significantly associated with final-year students and students who had previously attended BLS courses.
Conclusions: Knowledge and attitude regarding first-aid courses need improvement; only 26.4% had a high knowledge level. Final-year students had higher knowledge levels than those in other study years. Most students had a high awareness level and positive attitudes toward first aid. More first-aid training programs should be provided to all medical students.

Key words: First aid/basic life support, course, medical, students

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