Background: Physicians administer placebo with the intention that it might relieve distress to their patients.
Aims and Objectives: This study aims to analyze the attitude and placebo prescribing practices and also to estimate the extent of placebo prescribed by the medical practitioners of tertiary care institutions.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study was conducted using a pre-validated questionnaire among medical professionals of two government and two private run tertiary care institutions. The questionnaire consisted of questions pertaining to essential demographic profile, knowledge on the existence of placebo, attitude regarding placebo and its usage, and incorporation of placebo in their practice.
Results: Response rate was 79.3%. Majority of the participants 212 (89.1%) were aware about the existence of placebo and only 179 (75.2%) prescribed placebo. The prescription of placebo was significantly high among the male (57.6%) respondents compared to female (42.4%) respondents (P < 0.001). There was a statistically significant agreement on the majority of questions on acceptability of placebo by the practitioners who prescribed placebo. Vitamins, minerals, and trace elements were the most common elements considered as placebos and oral route was the most preferred route of administration. The most common disorders for which placebo was prescribed were musculoskeletal disorders (48%), psychiatric complaints (25%), and dermatological disorders (9.6%). The most common reason for placebo prescription was for possible psychological support and catering to the patientÂ’s expectation. Majority of the practitioners told that the placebo administration was effective sometimes only.
Conclusion: Majority of the participants were aware about the existence of placebo, most of them had prescribed placebo in their practice but sometimes employed it. Further studies are needed to study the prescription of placebo among other level health care physicians.
Key words: Placebo Effect; Pure Placebo; Impure Placebo; Medical Practitioners; Questionnaire Study; Placebo Use